
Flipper Zero Skylanders Support

As some will know, the Flipper Zero hacking/pentesting device supports scanning Skylander figures using the NFC feature. The only catch is that due to the current keys out there, it will only unlock around 17 of the 32 required keys, meaning the full data cannot be emulated.

I discovered this out after spending some time searching for my kids old Skylander toys in the dusty attic, so i was a bit miffed and decided id see if there was a way to do it online....there isnt. However, i did stumble upon NFCToys, which seems to be the only website that has attempted (and succeeded) to write the algorythm into code. Sadly for me it was in python, a language im not at all familar with.

I decided that even though the Python script existed, it still wasnt convenient enough, and i wanted to build a web based tool to use without hassle.

The script itself is quite small, so i thought converting it to php would be easy....how wrong was i!

It wasnt as simple as just understanding certain commands, i had to understand wild mathematical equasions written in a language id never looked at before. So i decided id use ChatGPT to help me understand the algorythm and how it worked. I then spent 4 days debugging and re-coding the script into PHP having to confirm that each part of the code was generating the desired outcome.

Along the way i hit several hurdles which i only got over after discovering a GitHub repository by V0lk3n which made me realise that certain parts of the script were actually out of date or not correct, meaning the faults were not exactly due to my own mistakes, but more due to the fact that i didnt understand the code as broken.

Finally, after fixing the faults and converting into PHP, i accomplished the mission! I now present a working web based CRC48 Calculator with no hassle.

Click Here to use the tool.

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