
Making a PayPal Calculator

Those of you selling stuff on eBay or other marketplaces may of come accross the issue of trying to figure out exactly how much PayPal wants to take of your well deserved money. Well now you dont have to because i developed an app that allows you to do just that.

I say i "developed" it lightly, as its actually a fork of a script i found on a website called ClothNappyTree. I then implimented it here making small changes and redesgned the layout, so full props goes to the original developers.

The tool will allow you to select your region and work out fees in different ways. Percentages and process fees have been added although from time to time these may be changed without my knowledge so to tackle this users are able to edit these figures to suit. But its most likely going to be several years before PayPal actually changes thes fees.

Click Here to use the tool

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